Thursday, 23 August 2018

A Steel Commando 'come down' picture I did when I finished the strip in Vigilant, as I still had a little left in the tank. This doesn't appear in the comic. Such a great character, I'd love to get the opportunity to work on him again! The final image is A2.
Now go out and buy the Vigilant!

And straight off the press. My contributor copies of this little gem. . . Looks absolutely amazing. It's in the shops! Go buy it!

Great review of the Vigilant at Down the Tubes. It is very kind to the Steel Commando section which I worked on and even features my splash page! Happy days.
A Steel Commando concept piece I did a while ago to get me in the mood for the four pages I have in the Vigilant. It's not in the issue. I might do a couple of prints at Thought Bubble. The original is an epic A2 in size! Such a great character. I still have childhood memories reading old comics with one when he was peeling spuds. Never thought I'd get the chance to draw him for real!

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

I recently did some pages for Jon Lock's Afterlife Inc: Glory days. Here are my three pages.

Check out the rest of the story here

I had some more reference stuff left over from my last Dredd picture. So I ended up banging out another one instead of getting on with proper work on my next book. I also tried out some digital inking and was a little looser and less precious about the whole thing. The final image is a massive A1.

 I handed in a fair bit of work for various clients recently which I can't share as yet. But in the meantime I thought I'd do myself a nice Dredd to pass the time. Here he is with his speed gun, handing out tickets! Enjoy!

I was going through my old portfolio. Found a slightly different version of an old bit of Hellraiser fan art I did yonks ago. It's grown on me a bit. Might work into it again.

Monday, 19 February 2018

I haven't posted any work on here in an age. That's because I've been working away on my next self published book. Which will probably see light in a year or so. And I'll pop that on here as and when. (Not Revenger. Although that'll likely be the book after. So god knows when that'll be done.) Meanwhile I got distracted with a little Hellboy doodle I was working on for no other reason that fun. It started as a tiny finger painting on my phone to pass time on my commute into work and I decided on Friday to work it up a bit. So in lieu of posting my own projects I thought I might post a bit of Hellboy fan art. I hope you enjoy.

Thursday, 25 January 2018

My illustration for Atomic Blonde creator, Antony Johnston's, Soul Music will appear in Interzone 274 (March-April). I hope you enjoy!