It seems that there's more than one
Revenger in town.
Jonathan Ross has penned a title called
The Revenger, with artwork by Ian Churchill which is to be released
next year. So despite having had my own Revenger running through my
head for over a decade (originally based on a short story I wrote in
the late nineties), and having put the past couple of years writing
and illustrating my own comic version, I'm stuck in the position of
having to reluctantly rename the title to avoid any potential clash.
It's a hard thing to do, as I've been
carrying Revenger with me for a while now, dragging him around the
various conventions, from the Super London Comic Con to Kapow, where
he always proudly took up a substantial part of my portfolio.
Revenger is a very personal project too
me, in that it combines a lot of different strands of my life. My
time in the Parachute Regiment Reserves and my tour in Iraq in 2003
when I, and over a hundred other men from my unit, were mobilised and
absorbed into the regular Paras (I went to 3 para), just in time to
experience, first hand, the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Although my tour was relatively peaceful, through luck more than anything, Revenger's won't be, as I aim to capture the essence of how wars can damage the men who serve in them, leaving them changed forever, even if they escape death or injury at the time.
The book will encapsulate my subsequent
interest in politics following that time, and the growing disquiet
and growing rage many felt following the banking collapse in 2008,
which I view as a kind of reverse coup, in that trillions of pounds
of taxpayers monies was spirited out of the governments hands and
used to shore up a corrupt and fraudulent banking system that was
collapsing under the weight of its own greed. On paper the government
stepped in and took over the banks, in reality the bankers tied
themselves to, and took over government. Everyone else was left to
the wind.
Revenger is set in this post collapse
world, our world, were there are no super heroes to save us from the
greed and maleficence of the powerful, and evil does not come from
another dimension or wear a hood and cape, it resides in the stock
exchange and on trading floors, where speculation on oil futures in
London sparks food riots and civil war on the other side of the
Revenger will be a modern horror story.
I just need to come up with its new